
This page contains information about the Halari Visa Oshwal Members Directory for USA and Canada. The first Directory was published in 1996. Jayantilal Galaiya and his wife Vijya of New Jersey spent long hours on telephone to collect information about Oshwals families living in the USA. He entered the information into a Lotus database. Manu Shah of Maryland, and Satish Shah and Rajesh Shah of Texas designed apppropriate programs to convert the site database and did the final editing of the Directory. Veni Sumaria of Massachusetts was the pioneer; he started collecting and compiling information in 1980’s.
The breakdown of Oshwal population by states is as follows (Total families 325; persons 918):

If you know of any Oshwal family (at least one member has to be of Oshwal origin) that has not been included, please ask the family to complete this form. We request all members to keep us advised of any changes in the listing including addresses and telephone numbers. Also, to facilitate communication all those members whose e-mails addresses are not listed to provide us with their e-mail addresses.

PLEASE NOTE: The personal information in the Directory is for the sole use of the Halari Visa Oshwals and shall not be used for any commercial purposes. The e-mail addresses shall not be used for any mass mailings or chain letters. As several members have objected to having their personal data on the Internet, no part of this Directory should be scanned or published on the Internet. Privacy of each member shall be respected.

Update your directory listing with this form

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