Nominations for Halari Visa Oshwals of America Board Elections for year 2014-15

Dear Oshwals,

Michammi Dukkadam to all.

As you all know the current board term ends on 31st December 2013, we are seeking nominations for the board elections for year 2014-15

We have the following Positions open for re-election

  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. Treasurer
  4. Secretary
  5. Assistant Secretary

Duties / Responsibilities

As per the By-Laws of Halari Visa Oshwals of America, the duties / responsibilities of each position is as described below

1.       Section 5.07 President

The President will be the corporation’s chief executive officer, and will exercise general supervision and control over all activities of the corporation. The President:

a.       Shall attend all meetings of trustees;

b.      Shall sign, with the Treasurer or other officer duly authorized by the board of trustees, any deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts, or other instruments the execution of which has been authorized by the board of trustees, except in cases where the signing and execution of such instruments has been expressly delegated to the President or to some other officer or agent of the corporation by these By-laws or applicable law; and

c.       Shall perform all other duties generally incident to the office of president and chief executive officer of a corporation and such other duties as prescribed herein or hereinafter by the board of trustees.

2.       Section 5.08 Vice-president

In the absence of the President or in the event of the President’s inability or refusal to act, the Vice-president or vice-presidents in the order of their seniority will perform the duties of the chief executive officer of the corporation, and when so acting, will have all the powers of, and be subject to all the restrictions on, such President. In the event there shall be elected more than one Vice-presidents, the board shall designate one as senior.

A Vice-president will perform any additional duties as may from time to time be assigned to him or her by the President. If a vice-president is not a trustee and is required to act in the absence of the President or in the event of the President’s inability or refusal to act, the Vice-president shall consult with and obtain concurrence of the other vice-president, if any, or the Treasurer before taking an action and shall promptly notify in writing the President of action taken.


3.       Section 5.09 Treasurer

The Treasurer will

a.       Have charge and custody of and be responsible for, all funds, valuables and securities of the corporation;

b.      Receive and give receipts for moneys due and payable to the corporation from any source and deposit all such moneys in the corporation’s name in such banks, trust companies, or other depositaries as selected by the board of trustees;

c.       Maintain a record of incoming members of the corporation and communicate the same to the Secretary;

d.      Perform all duties generally incidental to the office of treasurer and such other duties as may from time to time be assigned to the Treasurer by the President or by the board of trustees; and

e.       If so required by the board of trustees, the Treasurer will give a bond for the faithful discharge of the Treasurer’s duties in such sum and with such surety or sureties as the board of trustees may deem appropriate.

 4.       Section 5.10 Secretary

The Secretary will:

a.       Keep the minutes of meetings of members and of the board of trustees and the committees of the board of which it is a member, in one or more books designated for that purpose;

b.      See that all notices are duly given in accordance with these By-laws or as required by law;

c.       Be custodian of the corporate records and of the corporate seal;

d.      Keep the membership book containing the names and addresses of all members and trustees of the corporation, and with respect to any membership which has been terminated, record that fact together with the date of termination; and

e.       Exhibit to any trustee of the corporation, or to a trustee’s agent, or to any person or agency authorized by law to inspect them, at all reasonable times and on demand, these By-laws, the certificate of incorporation, the membership book, the minutes of any meeting, and other records of the corporation.

 5.       Section 5.11 Assistant Secretary

The assistant secretary, in general, will perform all the duties of a secretary in absence of a secretary or will perform the duties assigned by the secretary.

Next Steps:

  1. Everyone interested in serving the board, should send in their nomination for the position (of your choice) by 31st October 2013
  2. Write up a brief description about yourself
  3. If you like you, can also add few lines on how would you like to help the board using the position of your choice
  4. Send in your nominations to via normal email or email the attached sheet duly filled

Important Dates:

  1. Submit your nomination’s by 31st October 2013
  2. Withdraw nomination’s (if any) from 1st November to 7th November 2013
  3. New Board to be formed by 15th December 2013

Once again it has been our pleasure to serve the Oshwal Community for last 2 years.

Looking forward to the nominations for new board 2014-15.

Thank you.
Mitesh Shah