Category Archives: Community News

News about your fellow Oshwals and their families, including birth announcements, graduations, accomplishments, weddings, newcomer introductions, and condolences.

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Community News Summary – Summer 2002

Recent Weddings… Congratulations to: · Bansi (parents: Rashmi & Anajali Haria, Bombay) and Kalpesh Shah (parents Keshavji & Shantaben Nagaria, Mandha) of Arizona, on their wedding, which took place in…

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Community News Summary – Winter 2002

Congratulations to Shilpa (parents: Keshu & Kanchan Shah, NY) and Amit Gaggar of Alabama on their wedding in September 2001. Congratulations to Shital (parents: Jayendra & Surbhi Shah, NY) and…

Thanksgiving Gathering 2000

Pictures from annual Northeast Oshwal gathering, held on Thanksgiving (November 23, 2000), in Poughkeepsie, New York.

JAINA 1999

Pictures from the Oshwal meeting at the JAINA Convention of July 1999, held in Philadephia, Pennsylvania.

Thanksgiving 1998 gathering

Pictures from annual Northeast Thanksgiving gathering, held in November 1998, in Poughkeepsie, New York.

YJA Convention 1998

Pictures from the Young Jains of America (YJA) convention, held in July 1998, in Houston, Texas.