Category Archives: History

Dr. Rati Dodhia of Rhode Island has recently written history of Oshwals in English. The book, titled “Rise and Glory – History of Halari Visa Oshwals”, was distributed to all Oshwals living in the USA and Canada. A limited number of copies were provided to our community associations in India, Kenya and U.K. for distribution to Oshwal members. The book is now available online, here:

The book provides information about our origin, hardships our ancestors faced and how they overcame them, migration to various places, entrepreneurship and traditions.

Posts in this category provide links to other websites containing informations on the history of the Oshwal community.

Threads That Tie Us: A Story of the Halari Oshwals

An eye-opening documentary about a little known culture.

Oshwal Experience (documentary video)

The following documentary video contains a history of Oshwals in English.  This has been prepared by a groups of Oshwals from London, UK.  At the end of the video, there is acknowledgement…

Establishment of Oshwal History and Archives Department

OERB will be celebrating 75 years of its establishment next year.  OERB is planning to record its history in written and visual form.  Many Oshwals now residing outside East Africa have their origins in East Africa.  Many of them went through Oshwal Boarding and Oshwal Schools.  Many lived in different centres throughout East Africa – in smaller centres in remote parts of the country.  All of you therefore have a rich history to tell us.  

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A brief history of Halari Visa Oshwals (video slideshow)

A brief history of Halari Visa Oshwals. The video, about 6 minutes long, has been prepared by Nirali Mukesh Jayantilal Savla of Mulund, India.

Exposition of Pratikramana Stotras

Translation and explanation of Pratikramana Stotras in English By Rati Dodhia Preface Jaina scriptures have prescribed six necessary duties for a Jaina householder, which are: sämäyika, chaturvimashati stava, vandanaka, Pratikramana, käyotsarga…

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Origin of Oshwal Community

The history of Halari Oshwals is approximately 500 to 600 years old. The colorful and inspiring history of the migration of Halaris was not only due to adverse financial conditions but also social and religious reasons. Our ancestors, who came from Rajasthan, embraced the path of non-violence and renunciation. While following this path they had to face many obstacles. In the early and medieval age India was not one united country, but was divided into many small kingdoms. There were feuds between the kingdoms, invasions by foreign rulers and frequent drought. Because of political and economic insecurity, Oshwals began to look for new opportunities elsewhere and fled Punjab and Sindh around tenth and eleventh centuries A.D.

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History of HVOA (Halari Visa Oshwals of America)

The need to be in touch to nurture the identity and roots Halari Visa Oshwals is a very small community originally settled since last 560 + years in the Halar…

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I am proud to be an Oshwal

(note: this is part 1/2 of a series by Rati Dodhia.  See here for Part 2 “Origin of Oshwal Community”) Like many people of our community I knew practically nothing about our…